Live, Work, Consume, Die by Juno

Live, Work, Consume, Die by Juno  (c)
(From Tape Two)

live work consume die
I get up yawn stretch and sigh
rub the sleepiness from my eye
make some tea cos my throat is dry
get in a hot bath, sit there, and fry
put on some music, or the radio
but no matter what I try
I cant seem to shake off the sleepy lullaby
as I go off to work, consume, and die
find a squat, move in,
get evicted, move out
moving on all the time
losing tat and this and that
traipsing round with a heavy rucksack
breaking and entering –
in an alleged sort of way
feeling shit scared and wondering
when the day will come
when I don’t have to live this way
well its here
live work consume die
there are often days when I wonder why
I don’t just eat sleep take drugs get high
so that I cant
live work consume die

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