Category Archives: music


The Invisible Opera Company of Tibet

The Invisible Opera Company of Tibet

The Invisible Opera Company of Tibet claim to play Tantric Love Music, an evolutionary catalytic converter co-creating infusions of world groove, rooted deep in Heart Song; Mantric Funk; Shamanic Pop; Devotional Punk; LeftvField Acid Jazz; Eccentric English Folk and Skunk Rock. They made their debut on the Golden Moon Stage at the Big Green Gathering last year and got everyone singing along like Krishnas on Ecstasy. Don’t miss ’em. They’ll be releasing a studio album in December.

point your browser at the Invisible Website

see news webpage 



For Tribal Voices Ingrid wrote :

Tribal Voices was a gathering of people who, in 1997, lived in the woodlands, droves and fields in caravans and benders. Everyone was invited to come and play their songs individually so tapes could be recorded.The songs strongly represented our deep connection to the Earth and the land we fought for. We had survived the road protest movement and came together to celebrate full moons or solstices. It was important to us that we should sing our songs to enliven the Spirit of Mother Earth that was being pillaged, and to reconnect with our memory of living on the land.