Eternal Sunset by Chris Troth, Tim & Jim + Ian’s Poem
(From Tape Three)
I walked across the moor,a seaward way at the end of a long hot summers day and toiled up old Holdstone hill on the back of a worn byway and at the top I sat down on a pile of stones that is that old hills crown and rested my legs in which the miles of the day still echoed round in front the sun was reaching and beseeching to my eye behind the moor receding until a tallow sky and there was i between them transcending man made time on high transfixed betwitched, by that star that is all natures real cyclic rhyme that by which we are in heaven caught and have always been since the very bakers of creation ?? and shall still be after mans unhappy reign return to nought so there i sat without a care amidst the ?? calm and silent air not even the slightest breeze to ruffle Holdstone's heather hair and the sea laid out beneath me whispered not a sound and/un?? broken in its contrast with the sky above there bound silver polished picture framed on one edge only by the ground the evening sun was now hidden. veiled behind some cloud a thick yet formless vapour, a grey and silver shroud and so it reappeared, that orb of orange red beneath the shroud of vapour, it showed its descending head above the sky so endless, beneath the ocean red?? and as the sun continued down the distant horizon lit the bloody orange crown and then it disapppeared as a billion times before ?? the doldrum ocean washed that wild shore and that which had been so long and hot was on me now no more and then as if by magic the sky turned pinky red the shafts of laser sunbeams from behind the horizon bled a plasma coloured panaroma filled my dilated eye as the ocean my reflection caught a stain in that self same die and there i sat and wandered long till the sunsets dying embers dulled and darkness cloaked the sky