Rant by Feth

Feth – Rant by Feth  (c)
Here is my chance to give a piece of my mind
to sort out my thoughts
and say the things I want to say
against the tide of injustices
we try to make our waves
and I’ll feel like king Canute
made impotent with rage
so this is the fact
I cant do it by myself
save the whales mend the forests
sort out the weather and our health
while with the other hand
distribute all the wealth but I know
I know there are a few things that I can do by my self
I’ll never be a hero though I’m sure I’d like to try
there are things that need doing all around us
all around us in our daily lives
on the billboard of the new car we can all spell the word why
we can all learn to say no when we’re told how to run our lives
compromise your morals is the order of the day
do what you see the others do its regarded as OK
if you were only one to do it
then you’d nearly die of shame
push button conscience switch off keep the people tame
don’t say that I’m naïve
and although you know its wrong
you have to keep your head down keep plodding on
its all too obvious I shouldn’t have to say
it doesn’t have to be this way
When something’s wrong
however small item
when your conscience beats
go with it don’t fight it
in this way we can keep up the pressure
with our ???when your thoughts words and action inaction
what can you share ???
who can you share with
if your inconvenienced
your life starts to slow
that’s the pace your life supposed to go
and the is
electric ? we don’t need it our life’s not a gas
lifes not a gas
and the ????
full of shit
we can live without the guilt
these thoughts are nothing new
its an easy one to grasp
its not been ?? for a hundred years
trade in your modern life of greed
let your neighbours laugh
but the governments wont be smiling
because we’ll have broken free at last

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